01-21-2021 Meeting Minutes

02/04/2021 10:42 AM | Joe Groh (Administrator)

Oakley Community Council

Virtual Meeting: Zoom

January 21, 2021; 7:00 PM




Until otherwise noted, all Oakley Community Council Meetings will be conducted online, via the Zoom virtual conference tool. You can find full virtual/online meeting details on the homepage of our website,www.oakleynow.com.


Attendance: Colleen, Joe, Dan, Anthony, Kenny, Troy, Seth, Sandy, Paige

            Evan called in for part of the call

            Missing: Jason, Jon

Project Update: 

·         Tunnel Project Update – Dan Krohn, Joe Groh

o   Received 2 proposals, Tunnel Team evaluating, conducted interviews

o   Professional proposals

o   Will be public hearing in the future to review design options

2021 Board Planning Discussion

·         Committees, projects, priorities

·         Review of 2020 committees and projects

·         Discussion of 2021 committees and projects

o   Committee chairs, members

§  Same committees as last year

·         Business

·         Economic Development & Zoning

·         Finance

·         Membership

·         Beautification

·         Major Events

·         Education

·         Pedestrian Safety

·         Communications

o   Major projects chairs, members

§  Parking Overlay

§  Recreation Center

§  Oakley Neighborhood School

§  Three Oaks Tunnel Team

§  Added 2 new projects;

·         Oakley Housing Inventory

·         SOP Completion

o   Some discussion about using “committee” and need for some type of schedule.

§  Joe mentioned efforts to streamline internal board processes which will help

·         Dissuasion on voting at Thursday meetings, intent of Thursday meetings vs Tuesday meeting.

o   No need to formally say no votes on Thursday, should be based on circumstances and would require sufficient community notice.

o   Talked about ways to get letters of support out faster, tied to timing of approval of minutes.

·         Colleen will finalize based on discussion and present on February 2nd Tuesday meeting

·         How to move forward with COVID19 discussion

February 2nd Agenda Items/Suggestions

·         Biggby Coffee?

·         Candidates Speaker card

·         Committee/Projects Updates

Trustee Anthony Issacs announced he has moved out of Oakley and will be resigning.

New Business:

·        Next Tuesday OCC meeting is on Tuesday, February 2nd – VIRTUAL – ZOOM

·        Next Third Thursday Meeting is on Thursday, February 18th – VIRTUAL – ZOOM

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"Oakley Community Council" is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Cincinnati, OH 45209 -- Bylaws
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