Minutes - 2015/06/02

06/02/2015 11:15 PM | Anonymous

Oakley Community Council Meeting

Date: June 2, 2015, 7 PM

Trustees Present: Brian Ferry, Chris Mucha, Kenny McNutt, Evan Nolan, Sean Fausto, Tim Langmeyer, Jon Bernier, Jason Wilcoxon, Chris Mengel, Lisa Williams, Dave Schaff

Trustees Not Present: Mike Bonomo



·      Motion is made to approve the May meeting minutes with modifications. Motion seconded and approved.

·      District 2 Police Report – Shawn Tarvin

o   Shawn Tarvin – new neighborhood officer for Oakley, Mt. Lookout and Hyde Park

o   Desk Phone: 513-979-4480

o   Auto thefts still remain the biggest crime in Oakley

·      Honor Flight for Veterans – Bill Mallard

o   Initiative to raise $35,000 for an honor flight to Washington D.C.

o   Planning to have a dinner to raise money. Details are still tbd – tentatively on Oct 18.

o   Looking for anyone to get involved either through monetary or voluntary support.

o   Go to www.honorflighttristate.org for more info.

·      Community Action Agency – LaVerne DeArmond

o   The agency provides services to help with workforce development, as well as helping with utilities & rent.

o   Workforce development program focuses on training for manufacturing certifications.

o   For more info, go to www.cincy-caa.org, or contact LaVerne DeArmond at 513-924-2027 or ldearmond@cincy-caa.org

·      Cincinnati Fire Department – Lt. Inman

o   176 runs in May with 3 fires. 137 EMS runs – 57 requiring advanced life support.

o   Checked 699 fire hydrants in May.

·      Cincinnati Recreation Commission

o   The City needs lifeguards. There is ongoing training. Pay starts at $9.23/hr. Brownouts may occur at pools across the city if there are not enough lifeguards.

o   The Oakley pool is now OPEN!

o   The basketball and tennis courts are being redone and should be done by end of this week.

o   The new pool is still planned to start construction in August.

o   The plan for the rec center is now just minor renovations, which is different from previous plans. The City recommended to Dave Schaff and the OCC to collaborate with the Hyde Park and Mt. Lookout communities to make the rec center a location for all surrounding communities.

·      Oakley Station – Steve Dragon

o   Building 8 was approved by the Planning Commission.

o   Planning Commission approved the parking garage for the prospective tenant. The parking garage will add 300+ spaces. Vandercarr has studied the existing parking spaces and determined that a garage is required for this tenant.

·      Oakley After Hours – Sean Fausto:

o   $6000 was raised for Starfire.

o   The next OAH is June 12 from 6-10pm.

·      Intersection of Isabella and Markbreit – Chris Mengel

o   Striping is gone between Isabella and Markbreit.

o   City is looking for input from residents on how to handle.

o   Chris Mengel will provide the City with resident input.

·      Treasurer’s Report – Sean Fausto

o   Mike will contact

o   Motion is made to approve the May Treasurer’s report. Motion is seconded and approved.

·      July 4th Ault Park Fireworks

o   The Ault Park Advisory committee is asking the OCC to donate $500.

o   Motion is made to donate $500 to the Ault Park fireworks. Motion seconded and approved.

·      Oakley Square Maintenance – Lisa Williams

o   General landscaping maintenance is needed around the Oakley Square Esplanade.

o   Lisa is studying different options to pay for the landscaping.

·      Streetscape Project – Tim Langemeyer

o   Working on a project to improve the streetscape entrance into Oakley from Madison and Ridge.

o   Tim is waiting for approval on funding.

Committee Reports:

·      Traffic, Safety, Pedestrians & Bicycles – Brian Ferry: Motion is made to send a letter of support to the Wasson Way Project to send to the City Commission. Motion is seconded and approved.

·      Hyde Park School – Jason Wilcoxon: Enrollment is very high. Starting with 3 kindergarten classes, and may get to 4 K classes by the start of the school year.

New Business:

·      Board of Trustee Meeting on June 18 at 8pm in the Oakley Pub and Grill basement.

·      There will be no monthly or Third Thursday meeting in July.

·      The next meeting is on August 4 at 7pm in the Oakley Community Center.

·      Oakley Library Branch: The Summer Learning Program started on June 1. It goes through July 31. There are incentives for reading. There are also Brain Camps to offer fun learning activities for kids.

o   Amnesty days for late fines are offered on days that new libraries are being opened at the new branches. Reading and St. Bernard branches are being opened soon.

o   Request made to the Library to share info about its Maker Space at the Main branch at one of the fall OCC meetings.

8:38 PM – Motion to adjourn meeting is seconded and approved. Meeting ends.

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