1-16-20 OCC Approved Third Thursday Meeting Minutes

02/21/2020 9:44 AM | Cody Gausvik

Oakley Community Council 3rd Thursday Meeting

Brazee Street Studios

1/16/20; 7PM





Trustees Present: Dan Krohn, Cody Gausvik, Joe Groh, Evan Nolan, Colleen Reynolds (arrived at 7:35), Seth Shaifer, Anthony Issacs, Jason Wilcoxon, Kenny McNutt, Troy McAndrews

Trustees Not Present: Jon Bernier, Sandy Gross

Approve 1/7/20 Minutes

Motion to approve 1/7/20 Meeting Minutes by Jason Wilcoxon; seconded by Joe Groh.

7 approved; Cody Gausvik abstained. 1/7/20 Meeting Minutes approved.

Discussion: Conflicts of Interest – Evan Nolan & Colleen Reynolds

Conflict of Interest Policy - must be completed annually by all OCC board members.

Seth to revise policy and present revised document at next third Thursday meeting.

Suggestion from audience: include a sentence stating you are obligated to disclose any future conflict of interest, that may involve “beneficial consideration”.

Discussion: Pedestrian Tunnel – Dan Krohn, Joe Groh, Anthony Isaacs

Tunnel pathway and prototypes were provided. Key component of Master Plan – walkable/bikeable neighborhood. Goal is for safer and more scenic pathway to connect two areas of Oakley. Tunnel = 5 min walk vs. ~20 min walk around RR tracks – huge shortcut!

Working with DOTE and Planning to brainstorm funding ideas. Neyer has assisted with drawings and concepts.

To do’s: need projected costs, per Neyer (expected next week); determine community support; determine projected usage; meet with Northpoint and Vandercar to gain support; and gain Mayor and key stakeholders’ support.

6100 people live within 1 mile. 7200 people within 1.5 miles.  Suggestion to include bicycle boulevard into plan.

TIF: Quick Update – Colleen Reynolds

Cash on hand $600k to spend. Bonding capacity is $5mil, 17-year term, interest 6.5% and a 1.5x DCR. Board to decide how to allocate the money for projects (relatively soon)  

Question: what is the minimum amount we would have to give? Use TIF for gap in funding?

CRC center cannot use TIF funds.

Board Retreat: Complete Worksheet + Choose Date – Colleen Reynolds

Hand in or submit online to Colleen.

February 4th Meeting & Agenda – Colleen Reynolds

Chris Hildebrant Meeting Requests

Redesigned his project at the corner of Madison and Kennedy. More details coming soon.

Census: Update – Joe Groh

Use OCC’s voice in the community to share information about Census to residents.

Joe presented timeline on when we should do what (social media, newsletter, etc.)

Include additional information in March newsletter.

Rec Center Meeting – Evan, Colleen

Ignite Philanthropy – currently on fact finding mission for possible donors/businesses.

Ignite has identified 15 people/groups of key stakeholders they want to reach out to.

Motion to adjourn meeting at 9:10PM by Colleen Reynolds; seconded by Dan Krohn. Meeting Ends at 9:10PM

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